What I Did To Change My Career Trajectory

We have heard this many times, but change is the only constant. Knowing that opened my eyes to understanding that I had control over my ability to change. If I wanted more out of my career, I had the control to take the steps to figure it out.

In this blog, I am sharing what I did to change my career trajectory.

Shifted My Mindset

Shifting your mindset is the first step to seeing something different in your future. If you can not imagine what change looks like, it will be hard for you to take steps to get there. Start by taking time to check in with your thoughts. You may be surprised by how negative you have been about the situation. That negativity was hindering me from seeing the possibilities of a new career. Instead of focusing on what I could control, I told myself all the wrong things. When we set out to change the things we do not have control over, we set ourselves up for failure. I can not control if my direct report decides to promote me, but I do have control over the hard work I put in to show my direct report that I am ready for more. Once I came to that realization, it was a game-changer for me. My mindset shifted, and I began to focus on the things in my circle of influence. The first was my mindset. What helped was to change the things I let enter my mind.

I read more books, listened to podcasts, and talked to people with more tenure in their careers. My overall mindset shift took me from just thinking like an employee, where others had control, to being my brand.

When we set out to change the things we do not have control over, we set ourselves up for failure. ~ Laci McKinney

Worked On Understanding My Value Add

There is one thing to have passion, but being able to take real action is the difference. Getting clear on your culture add will help you understand what you can offer past your title. Many people lean on holding a title or having a degree, and yes, that is what got you the job. Going a step further and knowing your value is different. Knowing your value add will boost your confidence and the way you show up daily. Your value add also helps others identify who they need on special projects to get the job done.

For me to learn my value add, I took assessments. The assessments identified my natural abilities as a coach, strategic thinker, creative, innovative, and influential. Understanding my strengths helped me be more confident and willing to speak up and share my thoughts. By taking time to understand who I was, things began to change dramatically. I became a sought-after thought leader whom others listened to and asked questions. My circle of influence grew, and those who served in the C-suite began to take notice.

I Got Curious About The Things Happening Around Me At Work

Yes, It would be nice to sit and wait for things to come to me. I began to see that this approach only causes you to get overlooked. If I wanted anything different, I had to get curious about the things happening around me. Ask yourself; what new initiatives are happening in your organization? Most importantly, what is happening that would align with your value add and your passion? Real passion has a place in the workplace. Allow it to help connect the dots for others to see who you are and what you can bring to the table. Taking into account my assessments; helped me use my value add. I found projects that allowed me to influence others to be creative in their thinking and help bring strategic thinking to the forefront to launch new initiatives.

I realized I was selling myself short. I knew I wanted more, deserved more, and could offer more. Once I took these three steps and shifted my thought process, my career trajectory changed. If you’re looking to advance in your career and shift your career path, try these 3 steps for yourself. Do not forget to come back and let me know how it’s going for you.

Want more help and resources? CLICK HERE to download the FREE Access Your Career Brand Guide and unlock the secrets to enhancing your career brand at work with this comprehensive guide! Here is the thing, I promise, it can all be simple if we remove the pride and learn to ask for help. With intention and connection at the forefront of everything you do in 2024, you will feel much better because you took steps to develop yourself.

I am so proud of you!

Laci McKinney, career brand expert

Overcoming Fear in Building Your Personal Brand


The Skills I Built that Launched My Unique Career Brand